Our Focus on Safety and Continuity In View Of The COVID-19 Pandemic

Intelink Law Group continues to be vigilant in monitoring the current COVID-19 crisis and how it may affect our clients, attorneys, business staff, and our families. We are focused on the safety of all involved, continuity of our services, and ways in which we may help our clients and our communities in this time of crisis.

In addition to responding to COVID-19 related issues that our clients are facing, we are prepared to assist with everyday challenges. We are in this together, and we will take every opportunity to help.

In the meantime, rest assured that we remain operational and fully available to handle client matters as seamlessly as possible. While we may not be able to meet in person, we remain available by phone, video and email, and our firm infrastructure remains fully accessible to our professionals.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. In the meantime, Stay Safe and Stay Healthy!

Brad BertoglioComment